Thursday, August 7, 2008

"I came here to discover myself, heck, I didn't realise that I am an American."

So goes my quote in the newsletter for Skagway Westmark Hotel (which Chilkoot restaurant is a part of). The newsletter was part of a bi-weekly publication given to all the employees. It so happened they were featuring the staff of Chilkoot Restaurant that week. And everyone (not just myself) had to write a little bit about themselves. I just thought of the quote and went along with it.

I'm not being a traitor to Singapore, oh no no (I am a born and bred Singaporean and I am damn proud of it), its just that when I first came here, I felt so miserable leaving my family and friends behind. I miss Singapore. Everything about Singapore: the food, the heat and the 'big' city life. Compared to Skagway, Singapore seems like a mega-metropolis.

But most of all, I miss my family. A lot. Especially my niece (I can't wait to carry her again).
So weeks past, and I began my 'countdown', first it was how many days I have been here, then it turned to weeks and then months, and then it began to be in reverse, how many months I have left here, then weeks and then days, and now hours...

Initially, when the days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, I was really longing to go back home. I was missing the only family I know.But then as it began to be the reverse, when months left turned to weeks left and then to days left, I know I'm beginning to dread going back home. Cos I know I will be missing the family I made here. Family I would not get to see, maybe for a year or maybe even forever.

This is my American family.

I wouldn't have guessed in a million years how in just three months I could have made so many close friends, friends whom I want to stay in touch with for the rest of my lives; friends whom I have came to love so much, friends whom I feel are like family.

I have my Mama and Big Daddy, Rosalinda and Artie. My sisters (Jasmin, Tsvetalina, Ralitza, Mariya, Yoana and Tsveta) and 'sista' (Jacob). My bros (Greg, Chris, Bryan, Kevin and Justin, and even Alfredo).

Thank you for making being here alone and away from my family easy. Thank you for making me feel so welcomed. Thank you for making me feel loved and at home.

Thanks for being my family.

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."

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