Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mother of all hikes: The Chillkoot trail, Part 2

The next morning was beautiful. Very beautiful... The sun was out and the sky was so blue:
Where I was brushing my teeth. Nice view, eh?
Sun, I missed you!
So it was bye bye to Happy Camp:
And hello more beautiful scenery:
I'm jus going to let these pictures speak for themselves:
This is Long lake:
Still 'Long Lake':
Bryan and I broke off from the group again...
And then we reached this:
Deep Lake.
It was so beautiful, words cannot describe it. The water was every shade of blue you could think of... I was lost for words...:
Deep Lake campsite, I fell asleep on that exact bench waiting for the rest:
So all five of us left Deep Lake to go to the next campsite:
Can't get enough of Deep Lake:
The rapids along the way:
And then we reched Linderman City, were supposed to stay overnight there but we decided to press on and stay at the net campsite, Bare Loon Lake.
Linderman Lake:
Linderman City:
Linderman Lake is a huge-ass lake:
Some nameless lake:
And then, finally, we reached Bare Loon Lake:
The warming shelter wasn't that warm... See why?:
And so we stayed overnight there and the next day got up to go to our final destination, Camp Bennet:
So another squirrel, this time eating what its supposed to, a nut:
Bryan went ahead so it was left with me and the other three:
Came across a cabin for Snow White and the seven dwarves:
On our way to Bennet, there was sand:
Which was harder to walk on than snow: And then finally, after 3 days and 3 nights... Lake Bennet:
Linderman Creek:
Saw this tribute plaque... 21 years old... damn...
I finally did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole team:Old church at Bennet:
We did it!
Bennet train stop:
We reached at noon, two hours before our train leaves for Skagway.
So we decided to walk around the 'town'.
Bryan lost part of his filter coming down the wrong trail before Cillkoot Pass, at least the pump part of it. This was how he drank water:
Native store selling overpriced stuff:
And I didn't realise I got this from the Paterson's trail:
Yup, so there ends the biggest adventure in my life.
I would never have regretted doing it.

Chillkoot Trail, hell yeah!!!

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